
A ne pas manquer
Winter wonderland in Zagreb – activities that will warm your soul
When the Advent season ends and the Christmas decorations disappear from the winter-strewn streets of Zagreb, the magic still lives on because this is a city that resolutely defies the winter darkness and gloom, a city that does not allow the coldness of this time of year to touch the warmth in the hearts of all its residents and visitors.
17.01.2023 13:53:34
Winter in Zagreb: how does the city live during the coldest time of the year?
There is something magical about the winter months. A special charm spread by the cool air on the streets of Zagreb, bringing peace and tranquility to the hearts of its residents and visitors, creating a charming atmosphere that warms hearts in the cold winter months.
17.01.2023 13:52:34
Zagreb winter wonderland
In winter, we all like to crawl under a blanket and spend the cold days in the warmth of our homes. But the people of Zagreb also have a natural and irresistible need to stroll around the city and enjoy the winter atmosphere in the streets and squares.
09.01.2023 14:24:13
Medvednica – symbol of the city
When the people of Zagreb want to escape from the everyday life of the city, they don’t have to go far. Zagreb leans against Medvednica, a mountain located north of the city.
03.08.2022 11:33:26
Sava’s new look
Silvery and foamy, the Zagreb Sava flows silently. The cradle of Zagreb, its source of life, a place for fishing, a source of fertile arable land, a center of fun and socializing.
03.08.2022 10:31:28
Enjoying good company
The people of Zagreb know how to enjoy a good company.
03.08.2022 10:01:28
Relaxing in nature
All these green havens in the middle of the city, from lakes to parks, are home to numerous plant and animal species.
26.07.2022 15:01:51
Active lifestyle
Nature heals, nature calms, nature gives a new perspective.
26.07.2022 14:31:06
Medvednica Nature Park
Today, Medvednica watches over Zagreb and seems to remind all its residents of the importance of nature, as if it is inviting them to explore its beauty and let it calm them.
26.07.2022 14:25:34
Zagreb's water bodies – magical mirrors of the city
Many visitors are often surprised when they realize how much of Zagreb's surface is actually made up of water. The source of life on earth.
26.07.2022 14:13:09
Havens of Medvednica
Hiking on Medvednica is a favorite activity of many people of Zagreb, as well as daring adventurers from all over Croatia and beyond.
26.07.2022 14:01:53
Green city oases
The people of Zagreb have always loved nature, enjoyed its charms, and lived in accordance with its principles. It is therefore not surprising that they incorporated nature into the structure of this city and that its streets and squares are intertwined with real green oases.
26.07.2022 13:57:01